Saturday, June 27, 2009

Farewell to the legend of "moonwalk"

The news of MJ's death had shaken the world on yesterday morning and millions of fans around the world is mourning on the death of"King of Pop". According to the sources, the 50 years old collapsed at his home before his death. For more info, please refer to

MJ has greatly contributed to musical world since his childhood alongside with his sibling in Jackson 5. He was shot to fame with "Thriller", "Beat it" and "Billie Jean" during the earlier 80s. He was also well known with his "moonwalk" and "break dance" choreography.

MJ's talent was a legend and the legacy will felt upon the world forever.

Rest in peace MJ. You are always in our memories.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


What will come across your mind if your pictures being published in the public without your knowledge ? Well, this was happened to an American family from Missouri. The Smiths couple was shocked to accept the truth about their family photo on Christmas card being published in Prague, the capital of Czech Republic. The photo was spotted in the window of a local supermarket by a friend of The Smiths.

The Smiths sent the photo through internet as a Christmas card to friends and it suddenly leaked to the public without their consent. Now they are model for a grocery store (perhaps the slogan should be "xxx Mart, The Smartest Choice for You and Your Family") All of a sudden, this family became "hot star", from Missouri to Prague and until now half of the world had known about it. What will you think? You sent your picture to someone and he/she violated it by using it for some others purpose?
Anyway don't you think the photo looks nice? The Smiths have great smiles and that's so natural. This photo should be hunt by any tooth paste company :D.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Too much pride, sir?

I couldn't believe that after we didn't keep contact with each other for half year, he suddenly text me again on yesterday morning. Now, it seems like I am going to get a headache again. I still remember the first time i met him. It was so annoying and you don't even have a chance to express anything you want furthermore you need an earphone with you. Since the first conversation, I could feel this guy is pompous.

He kept showing off his military background to us. He was proud with his rank, a Captain (exactly it's not Navy). Yea, everyone know that a Captain rank is just a middle officer in military service (except Navy) but it is so rare to see Chinese involve in military sector in Malaysia especially for officers. I know that you're a military officer but there's no point to keep mention about your "status" right? Glory is not a conceit and only the humble one is the most succesful person. Being haughty could makes one fall at the end even he/she might be a winner at the beginning.

This time he show off his rescue diver license. He is under trainning for an advance military course (I already forget what is the course) since last year. Scuba diving is one of the modules in the course and it's compulsory to pass every level of scuba diving. He began to learn as a dummy in scuba diving field and get a license of open water diver then advance open water and now a rescue diver. I started to dive before him and until now I just get my advance open water license and I dive as my hobby and sport. I didn't mean to compete with anyone. At first, I gave my best wish to him as a friend but now he seems to be over assertive. I could feel the sarcasm through his messages and now i start to ignore some of the messages unless he got some important things to tell me. ARGH! Here comes his message again and I am so sick to read it. Well sir, don't you think that too much pride will become a barrier to you to mix around with everyone?

Friday, April 3, 2009

The 60th anniversary of NATO

The 60th anniversary of NATO will be fall on tomorrow. NATO was formed by the collection of Western nations which was lead by the United States on 1949. The main purpose of this organization was to block the increasingly of Communist influenced by Soviet Union and its alliance during the era of Cold War. The member states agreed to achieve a mutual defense in response to any aggressive reaction by any external party. Whenever there was an armed attack against any of them in Europe or North America shall be considered as an attack against them all.

During the post Cold War era, NATO involved in several conflicts around the world. On the Balkans War, it ran a military operation which known as Operation Sharp Guard. And in the wake of September 11 attacks on United States, NATO forces invaded Afghanistan and oust the Taliban regime which controlled the country for decades. The latest event of NATO was an agreement was achieved between it and Ukraine on 2 April 2009 which allow NATO to transit goods through the territority of Ukraine, in support of ISAF Operation in the Afghanistan.

There were 12 original members of NATO since it formation and the membership kept on expanding. Today, there are 28 states of membership in NATO. At the year of 2009. Croatia and Albania were the latest states to join this alliance. NATO did cooperates with a range of non member states and it also seek for its membership englarment among some potential states. In the future the number of member states will be increase and this will deepen their relations on behalf of their strategic concerns.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

~"HapPY GrAduAtIoN''~

After spending my 3 and a half year at this varsity, i got my first degree on yesterday. Thanks for my papa, mama, lecturers and friends who supported and helped me so much. And not forget to all my coursemates and friends who had just received their degree on these 3 days of convocation, happy graduation to you guys and gals too :). May everyone was blessed with a bright future and hope there'll be any chance for us to meet again at someday. Cheers!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Gal's wounded dream

It's so hurt to accept the truth, I couldn't believe it at all. You had put a darth through my heart . I pretend to be emotionless but deep inside there my heart was bleeding. The moment you bid me goodbye and turned away, I was weeping sorrowfulness. It seems like i just wake up from a dream and everything is still fresh in my mind. The things that we done and the place that we went. All of these had become memory and now i could only reminisce.

It is customary for me to hear your voice and cling to you. The feeling was vague yet I still enjoyed it. I remember well that night which was the first time you hold my hand. Your hand was so rough but warm and I felt like a little girl being pampered. I could cuddling every moment with you. Even just a few minutes, that already made me become the most lucky girl on this earth. Your're my best listener and always be there for me whenever i need someone to share my feelings with.

Everything is fade and now I could only feel about sadness and loneliness. I wonder why must you lie? You should have told me the truth that I wasn't the girl for you. That time I didn't have the clue and my heart was depend on you. If I know it earlier, at least I won't be so hurt like now. You try to take an advantage of a girl's willingness to search for a true love. Now she's the one in pain, would you please take it away?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Going through some hard times

It's been a week since i first came into here. I don't know what was i thinking before i accept this job and you can say that i was out of my mind at that time. You need to be versatile to work in education field. I admit that i am not a person who could turn easily or readily from one skill to another but i am a determine and always willing to learn. Teaching these kids is the arduous job that i ever do. Their ability to learn is below average and some of them never show any interested in learning. However i accept this job as a challenge and a chance for me to improve myself. From there, i learn to be more patient and caring.

This school even accept those who're being expelled by the other schools and it's so common that most of the students at here are indiscipline. Once there's a student threw a bottle on a female teacher and also a student vandalized a teacher's car after he being punished by the teacher. I wonder when is going to be my turn but i hope that all of these are not going to be happen on me.

There's a kid from my Science class who used to call me "idiot, dog". At first i was so mad until i nearly thought of giving him a lesson by punching his dirty mouth. But when i think deeply, it's useless because such kind of pain is not going to wake this jerk. Maybe he just want some attention from me by acting this way so i just ignore him and just let all these "glide" slowly. (just a small fry. If i can't even handle this, how am i going to face some big challenges in my life?)

Ok, right now times for me to get enough of rest so that i could be fully prepare for tomorrow. I am going to continue my story with you guys on tomorrow.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Busy body

What a relief!! I am much better now after an invigorating swim and also thanks to a friend who volunteered to be my listener. At last "it" doesn't matter to me now.

It's been half year since i knew the truth. I already knew he was telling me a lie since the beginning but i don't care because maybe he got his own reason and i respect him by not interfered in his personal matter. After we treat each other as good friend, he still kept it as secret from me. Everytime i ask him but he denied it(even i already knew the truth but i just pretend like knowing nothing because i was testing him). Ok, let me clarify here. Don't get me wrong, i just treat him like any other friends and I strongly agree that friends shouldn't lie. Was it a shameless thing to tell people that you're not longer a single? Maybe at the beginning you'll feel uneasy to tell your new friend about it but what about when you get to know him/her after a period?

Maybe you would like to keep it as secret but please don't try to pretend in front of me by complaining that you're still single k? So fake! Actually i could feel one thing and it's he thought that i Am interested about him. The way he talked to me..oh please, i know that i am still single but i don't have that intention k? There's also someone (who stand by this liar's side) said that i am too sensitive and somemore asked me why am i so angry about this matter..Come on. If i really care and angry i sure told the liar that i already knew his "top secret" since the beginning.

No offence, guys support guys and the gender war usually occur in this kind of situation. Now i could tell that probably these people just want to take advantage on me but sometimes I am still doubt about that. Anyway why should i care for that much, i knew this type friendship won't last longer.

After telling my friend all about these things and listening to some of his words, i think that he is absolutely right. Yeay...that's none my business and it's not worth to treat this liar as a friend.. Thanks yea dude, maybe i need someone like you to slap me :p

Thursday, January 8, 2009

some "so called" expert

A few days ago, there's a Chinese guy sending me a friend request on facebook. After confirmed him as my friend, he started browsing my profile and got my hotmail contact from there. Honestly i didn't browse through his profile yet after approved his friend request because most of the times i don't even care to browse a stranger's profile who come to know me from friends finder website except my real life or long lost friends.

At msn, he started by saying "wowow, i was so surprise because it's so rare to see a gorgeous and pretty gal like you who's so interested in politics" I am a fan of Lim Kit Siang in facebook and he got to find me inside the fan list. He said not so many girls that he knows are interesting in politics and some of them don't even know a little general knowledge about politics. What i want to say at here is he was blabbing on what he knows about politics. Everything he said was about Malaysia's current political issues. Started from UMNO to DAP to MCA then PR, it really made my eyelids began to drop and this seems like he was a self declared political scientist.

He asked me which party i choose to be a member and i told him neither. Then he said "that's the biggest fault among Malaysian Chinese , they have the same thinking like you, don't want to get involve into politics but still want to complain about government. At least you choose a party, like me. Recently i had submit my form to DAP and i hope that they will give me a feedback." It also seems like he's boasting about his capability to contribute something to Chinese community. For me, he thinks that he's an expert in political field. Oh please... I wonder why nowadays there's some peoples trying to be 21st century Plato and Aristotle. It doesn't mean those whoever concern about current issues and always catch up with media can be a political scientist. Perhaps they should follow the steps of Nicollo Machiavelli by achieving some masterpiece or develop any suitable principle to apply in political administation.

After the balderdash session, he asked me about my major, i told him that i studied "diplomacy and international relations" and guess what he said??? I nearly fainted by his stupid question. He said "what is that? Oh ya, i know it! It's about marketing stuffs right?" What a dumb ass!! A "so called" politics expert... And i blocked and deleted him. Phew!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Between hopeless and hopeful

If anyone is asking what's my resolution for this year, i would say that i wish for my mum well-being and I couldn't ask for more than that. 3 years ago, mum undergone a knee cap replacement surgery on her left knee. Since that, she is not active like she used to be. She is facing some difficulties on her movement. Because she was more focusing her strength on her right leg after the surgery, her right knee became weaker too. And after a year, she undergone another surgery again on her right knee.

After 2 months of mum second surgery she suffered from paralyse. She can't grasped her right hand and the doctor told that she might had arthritis too so there's the third operation for her on the right hand. This surgery had ruined her life. Her condition became worst than ever. Before the surgery she still can hold anything on her hand but now she can't even hold a cup of tea. What the worst is her left hand also suffer from ganglion cyst! Since that, she has tried many type medicines, from drugs to traditional Chinese herbs but it's useless. We sent her for physiotherapy treatment but it was futiled. Everything that we done was useless and now dad is already losing hope.

Mum's physical sickness had jeopardized her emotional well-being. She feels angry and upset most of the time. The complicated of dad's family background too has aggravated her condition. Seeing mum living in sickness and sadness make me feel really sorrow. I wonder why am i so unfortunate enough because how could all of these happened on my family. Sometimes i wish i could escape from all of these and of course i know it's such a stupid decision. However, i still hope for a miracle but i just don't know when it's going to appear and change everything back to normal. So i keep on waiting and waiting...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I am out of my mind

Yeah, it's new year again. Goodbye 2008 and hello to 2009. This year, my new year celebration was a bit special yet it's also nearly "crashed" by my mum. I can't believe that i spent my last minutes of 2008 and the first minutes of 2009 at an "unfamiliar" environment. Luckly there's someone beside me. Thank God, at least i didn't feel strange and nervous on that situation.

Well, if you're asking why i spent my new year celebration at that "unfamiliar" place, ok let me tell ya here. Actually this year i got no plan to celebrate my new year since my "Death House" members had gone back to their hometown. At first, i could predict that my new year will be lonely and i am going to spent my last minutes of 2oo8 on Dota. At the night before 31st, someone text me and suddenly he mentioned about a function which is going to held on his place. He knew that i won't be interested with any function that held at his place. Yeah, he's right and for me that place is damn boring or perhaps i should said it's boring than my International Law's lecture(sorry Dr.AG i am just telling the truth) I know that he's neither forcing nor using me while there's a function everytime.

I appreciate his invitation everytime. This time i accept the invitation and i don't know why. Maybe i don't want to spend my new year alone or maybe i enjoy and feel comfortable to meet him everytime. I really don't know..."3,2,1..happy new year", yeah, it's midnight now and the fireworks were so nice in the dark sky. The next event was "dance floor". "I am not going to let you back unless you have to dance with me first" he said. It was 12.15am and my phone rang. It was mum, she said "hey when are you coming home, don't think that i'll let you loitering at there till late" "yes mum, but it's new year eve. Everyone is celebrating it, at least u should let me stay until 1am, i promise i'll be back on that time" "are you trying to defense me huh!!! Met with a guy liao then not respect me liao la, "gatal"!!" to be honest, i was so angry with her at that time. I am 24 yrs old and why couldn't i have my own freedom!! She's overprotective, that's new year eve and it's only once. I know what am i doing. My mood was ruined by her at that time...Down and frustated.

I told him what was happened and at first he said he don't want to let me go on that time. I told him i wish i could stay longer but i got no choice. He said he would talk to my mum if she rang me again and of course i am not going to let him do that because i know what's the effect. He said he didn't care because he already get used being scold and shout by people. Actually that's not the main point, i afraid i am not able to meet and chat with him again if he does that. No one know mum well than me even dad... I know he's trying to help and i appreciate that but i really can't let him do that. Frankly, i feel guilty and sorry until now. A bit lack of courages to talk with him since that. Maybe i shouldn't accept that invitation, there's many gals out there who're willing to be his partner on the function. Once called, sure come and they're much more active plus sophisicated than me, a typical "kampung gal". I am just a dummy who is quiet most of the time.

He told me he was happy because i was there but i still doubt about what he said because i just ruined the party. He also does prepared a costume to me for that function but i didn't wear it. *sigh* how stupid i was, WHY WAS I LIKE THAT!! there's still another suitable person who was more deserved than me to be there. I didn't blame my mum actually and i know why she done that to me. For me, she's a good mother. She changes a lot 3 years ago due to her sickness... down, hopeless, sadness and all the negative feeling surround her... I don't remember when was the last time i saw her smile and i really miss that. I hope this year would be a good year ahead and bringing a new hope for me...i pray for it...