Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Gal's wounded dream

It's so hurt to accept the truth, I couldn't believe it at all. You had put a darth through my heart . I pretend to be emotionless but deep inside there my heart was bleeding. The moment you bid me goodbye and turned away, I was weeping sorrowfulness. It seems like i just wake up from a dream and everything is still fresh in my mind. The things that we done and the place that we went. All of these had become memory and now i could only reminisce.

It is customary for me to hear your voice and cling to you. The feeling was vague yet I still enjoyed it. I remember well that night which was the first time you hold my hand. Your hand was so rough but warm and I felt like a little girl being pampered. I could cuddling every moment with you. Even just a few minutes, that already made me become the most lucky girl on this earth. Your're my best listener and always be there for me whenever i need someone to share my feelings with.

Everything is fade and now I could only feel about sadness and loneliness. I wonder why must you lie? You should have told me the truth that I wasn't the girl for you. That time I didn't have the clue and my heart was depend on you. If I know it earlier, at least I won't be so hurt like now. You try to take an advantage of a girl's willingness to search for a true love. Now she's the one in pain, would you please take it away?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Going through some hard times

It's been a week since i first came into here. I don't know what was i thinking before i accept this job and you can say that i was out of my mind at that time. You need to be versatile to work in education field. I admit that i am not a person who could turn easily or readily from one skill to another but i am a determine and always willing to learn. Teaching these kids is the arduous job that i ever do. Their ability to learn is below average and some of them never show any interested in learning. However i accept this job as a challenge and a chance for me to improve myself. From there, i learn to be more patient and caring.

This school even accept those who're being expelled by the other schools and it's so common that most of the students at here are indiscipline. Once there's a student threw a bottle on a female teacher and also a student vandalized a teacher's car after he being punished by the teacher. I wonder when is going to be my turn but i hope that all of these are not going to be happen on me.

There's a kid from my Science class who used to call me "idiot, dog". At first i was so mad until i nearly thought of giving him a lesson by punching his dirty mouth. But when i think deeply, it's useless because such kind of pain is not going to wake this jerk. Maybe he just want some attention from me by acting this way so i just ignore him and just let all these "glide" slowly. (just a small fry. If i can't even handle this, how am i going to face some big challenges in my life?)

Ok, right now times for me to get enough of rest so that i could be fully prepare for tomorrow. I am going to continue my story with you guys on tomorrow.