Sunday, April 26, 2009

Too much pride, sir?

I couldn't believe that after we didn't keep contact with each other for half year, he suddenly text me again on yesterday morning. Now, it seems like I am going to get a headache again. I still remember the first time i met him. It was so annoying and you don't even have a chance to express anything you want furthermore you need an earphone with you. Since the first conversation, I could feel this guy is pompous.

He kept showing off his military background to us. He was proud with his rank, a Captain (exactly it's not Navy). Yea, everyone know that a Captain rank is just a middle officer in military service (except Navy) but it is so rare to see Chinese involve in military sector in Malaysia especially for officers. I know that you're a military officer but there's no point to keep mention about your "status" right? Glory is not a conceit and only the humble one is the most succesful person. Being haughty could makes one fall at the end even he/she might be a winner at the beginning.

This time he show off his rescue diver license. He is under trainning for an advance military course (I already forget what is the course) since last year. Scuba diving is one of the modules in the course and it's compulsory to pass every level of scuba diving. He began to learn as a dummy in scuba diving field and get a license of open water diver then advance open water and now a rescue diver. I started to dive before him and until now I just get my advance open water license and I dive as my hobby and sport. I didn't mean to compete with anyone. At first, I gave my best wish to him as a friend but now he seems to be over assertive. I could feel the sarcasm through his messages and now i start to ignore some of the messages unless he got some important things to tell me. ARGH! Here comes his message again and I am so sick to read it. Well sir, don't you think that too much pride will become a barrier to you to mix around with everyone?

Friday, April 3, 2009

The 60th anniversary of NATO

The 60th anniversary of NATO will be fall on tomorrow. NATO was formed by the collection of Western nations which was lead by the United States on 1949. The main purpose of this organization was to block the increasingly of Communist influenced by Soviet Union and its alliance during the era of Cold War. The member states agreed to achieve a mutual defense in response to any aggressive reaction by any external party. Whenever there was an armed attack against any of them in Europe or North America shall be considered as an attack against them all.

During the post Cold War era, NATO involved in several conflicts around the world. On the Balkans War, it ran a military operation which known as Operation Sharp Guard. And in the wake of September 11 attacks on United States, NATO forces invaded Afghanistan and oust the Taliban regime which controlled the country for decades. The latest event of NATO was an agreement was achieved between it and Ukraine on 2 April 2009 which allow NATO to transit goods through the territority of Ukraine, in support of ISAF Operation in the Afghanistan.

There were 12 original members of NATO since it formation and the membership kept on expanding. Today, there are 28 states of membership in NATO. At the year of 2009. Croatia and Albania were the latest states to join this alliance. NATO did cooperates with a range of non member states and it also seek for its membership englarment among some potential states. In the future the number of member states will be increase and this will deepen their relations on behalf of their strategic concerns.